The realities of dreams interpretation.
Dreams are all we think about, regardless of sleeping with eyes. In our mind we have a desire to know why dreams come? Actually there is no reason for them to come. It has been proven by psychologists that there is a different theory to understand dreams. Let's know some things about dreams:
As you know our body becomes tired. When we are sleeping, we often see dreams, our brain cells are active in the state of sleep, which show the activities that have been done throughout the day or the desires buried in our minds as dreams. Our body remains relaxed in the dream, it is more dynamic than the awakening state. That is why we see dreams while sleeping.
You may feel that our mind remains calm while watching the dream, but the brain is more active during some period of dreaming. This condition is called Rapid Eye Movement (REM), that is called intense mobility of eyes, which occurs watching serious dream. During such dreams, the entire body remains relaxed, which prevents the body from working according to the dream.
An average person could watch 4-6 dreams a night and 1460 dreams in a year. But they forget 90 percent of his dreams within 10 minutes of waking up.
The more IQ you have, the more you will remember your dream.
If a person tells you that he does not dream, it means, he has forgotten his dreams.
Those peoples who were not blind from birth but later lost their eyesight, such peoples watch shadows in the dream the blind peoples can't see any other things in the dream. Those people do not see any pictures, In his dream, they could hear sounds of other things and feel emotions.
Children do not dream for the first 3-4 years.
When someone is snoring, it means he is not watching dream at that time.
Those who do not have any dreams, they have a disease called "personality disorders."
A man spends almost six years dreaming of his lifetime.
About 5 to 10 percent of people see horrible and scary dreams once in a month.
Not only human beings, animals also dream.
The dreams of men and women are different. About 70 percent of men dream about other men. While women's dreams are about both man and woman.
You will never remember where your dream started.
We could remember the faces we see in dreams. Our brain could not make any new face In the dreams, we see faces of the peoples whom we have seen before in our life or TV.
Your dreams could be wonderful, mysterious, eye-opening, and sometimes terrible.
You can not read anything while dreaming and can not tell time.
If you do not know whether you are in a dream or not, then you try to read something and see it. If you can not read, then you are in the dream. This is also applicable when looking at the trick. If you can not tell the time by watching the clock, it also means that you are in the dream.
In such dreams, you can do anything. It has been seen that people can control their dreams by using different methods. As you can fly in dreams, you can go across the walls, go in different directions and can also go in the the other path.
Many inventions have been inspired of the dreams. For example
The idea of creating a Google search engine,
DNA double helix spiral
Fabric chest machine
And many inventions
Dreams calculator,
There are many such issues, people have seen the dreams, which have proved to be true later. This means that the dreams of these people had already shown the events in the coming time in their dreams. Such as,
Abraham Lincoln knew before from his dream how his death would come.
Many people who were victims of 9/11 had seen in their dreams that their death would be in the 9/11 attacks.
Mark Twain saw his brother's death in his dream.
If someone could create disturbance for someone, then it is called sleep paralysis. There are two attributes of this: First, in the event of this dream you can not move and in the second situation you will feel that you have a bad soul roaming around.
In such a dreaming disorder, your body normally gets active and paralyze. In this kind of dream, people's move their hands and legs. In this situation people have also broken their wrist, legs and furniture. In a rare case, one person burnt the house.
In such dreams, your body gets sexual. A case has been revealed, when a man had 20 eclipses in this dream it becomes sexual.
Walking while sleeping is a very rare and very dangerous problem. In such dreams people do not just shake, but wake up and walk in sleep.
There are many people who like to have dreams and they never want to leave with dreams and they keep on sleeping even during the day. Therefore, he is constantly taking drugs for sleeping. They use a drunken halucinogenic, which will keep you in a constant sleep.
Dream Catcher Symbol is very famous among the Americans. It is a woven knife from the web, which protects you from the advent of bad dreams.
You will consider sleeping relations as a peaceful and comfortable situation, in fact our brain becomes more active while sleeping faster.
Responsible for dreams, creativity, and art. Dreams increase our creativity energy. In very rare cases of REM it has been revealed that many people do not dream, because they lack creativity.
Our pets are also companions of dreams. You will see your pet dog or cat sleeping and their paws are shaking and sometimes they take out the voices while sleeping.
You always dream, but you do not always remember dreams
Many people believe that they do not even dream, but this is not true. Actually, we all dream about. But 60% forget the dreams.
It is very strange thing that dreams are mostly found negative. Studies have found that most of the dreams are related to anger, fear and sadness.
You could see more than 7 dreams in one night. It depends on your R.E.M. how many dreams you could see in one night.
Every one does not have colorful dreams.
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