World's 6 Most Dangerous Islands.
World's 6 Most Dangerous Islands.
Snake Island, Brazil
This island is named as Ilha de Queimada Grande, 33 km from the sea border of Brazil's Sao Paulo province. This dangerous island is called Snake Island (the Snake Island). Here the number of snakes is so high that there are five snakes found in every square meter. There are 4,000 types of snakes species found on this island. The area of this island is 4 million 30 thousand square meters. On this island there are about 20 million pit viper species, the venomous Golden Lancehead snakes are is also known as the golden-lancehead-snake-island-brazil
These snakes are counted in the world's most poisonous snakes. Snake Island Golden Lancehead is the only house of this snakes all over the world. There is a ban on visiting this island.
Re-union Island, Africa
Reunion Island is an island located in Africa. It is 200 km east of Madagascar and south of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. This island is also a popular tourist destination in Africa, but Shark fish presence in this 40-mile long island is a matter of concern. Shark had made seventeen strikes between 2011 and 2015, 7 of whom were killed. In the last few years, there has been an increase of 13% in Sharks attacking cases. Swimming is prohibited for more than half of the coasts.
Pravelia Island, Italy
There is an island in Italy known as 'Island of Dead'. It is believed that people who go there are difficult to return to life. There is a scary story associated with this island, which does not allows people to go there. It is said that hundreds of years ago this island was abandoned to bring plague patients to death. Later this island was used for punishment as the Black Death i.e. black fever.
In this island Those who died, were buried under this island. Later, considering the increasing number of patients, about one lakh 60 thousand sick people were burnt alive. Since then people began to believe this place as a ghost place and this island was completely deserted.
Grunard Island, Scotland
dangerous-islands-gruinard-island is a small island in the Gulf of Grunard in Scotland, in Gruninard, These islands are about 2 kilometers long and 1 kilometer wide. During World War II, Britain tested the toxic gas named Anthrax on this island, due to which has made this island dangerous island. The first fear comes when this gas was left in the grip. After a short period of time, internal bleeding results in the death of a person. The most dangerous thing about this gas is that its effect remains in same place for many years.
Miyakejima Ijoo Island, Japan
Miyakejima Izu Island Japan is located in Japan. This island is famous for its gas mask tourism. Here every tourist remains wearing a mask, because the amount of toxic gases in the air has reached a much higher level than usual. Several large volcanic eruptions have erupted in the last century in the IJU Islands.
miyakejima-izu-island-japan The last big explosion happened in 2000. It was a terrible explosion, along with large quantities of toxic gases (mainly sulfur dioxide), along with lava. Not only this, after the calm of the volcano, these poisonous gases continue to evolve. From then, people started wearing masks for 24 hours. In 2006 the population of this island was 2884.
Saba island
Saba Island is present in the Caribbean Sea. The beauty of Saba Island is worth seeing. Only two thousand people live on this small island in 13 square kilometers. This place is very dangerous due to sea storm. Earthquake tremors have increased after 1997. The ground here starts to rock. Due to this reason it is believed that a terrible volcano eruption can occur in this island anytime.
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