India's 10 rare and shocking customs

India is not only a country but it is also a perfect system among the oldest life-styles and cultures. This is the country of one of the richest and spiritual cultures and religions. People of different religions together live in this country united together without any problems.

Over a long time, there have been many rituals and customs in India, which have become an integral part of this diverse social order inadvertently. Some customs are so strange that external people, who know them, cannot believe them at all. They seem to ask themselves, no! Do not tell me! I do not believe it !!

So look at India's 10 amazing rituals that can confuse an outsider too much !!

Arrange marriage

Arranged Marriage i.e. marriage determined by parents or relatives. However, the Arranged Marriage system is practised throughout the world. Gradually Arranged Marriage was exhausted in the 18th century from all over the world but in India, it is also running in the 21st Century.
Two people who were not aware of each other were tied in bonds for a lifetime. However, this arrangement was contrary to the self-governing system adopted in ancient times, in which the boy and girl had the right to choose their own life partner. It is estimated that this arrangement became more popular due to the child marriage system.

Honour killings (honour killings)

Honour killing is the murder of the so-called 'honour', one of the most intense acts in India. The happiness and the pleasure of marrying young men and women in India is not everything. Marriage is possible only if the young man should be from a fixed caste, religion, community and social status.
Those who disregard these 'rules' should be killed immediately as it is believed by the relatives, Parents, brothers and all the other people's who kill their son, daughter, brother and sister, who break these rules, without hesitation. This is the most surprising and sad aspect of this social evil.

dowry system

In the old time, on the girl's marriage, the girl's parents used to depart with some necessary household items and jewellery, clothes etc. according to them, the girl should have no problem adjusting her in the new home. Over time, this voluntary decision of the parents was transferred to in-laws' house and people were forced to pay their respects to the girl with cash, expensive gifts, Before the girl's marriage. They started dealing with the gifts given to the girl's parents in the farewell i.e. dowry.
Even today, girls who do not bring 'proper' dowry were killed so that the boy can be remarried and brought to the dowry. Boys and girls were considered to be a dowry machine. Thousands of daughters have been the victims of this dowry Rupnar demon, but even today this misunderstanding remains. Even though dowry practice is illegal in India, still every day some daughters are being killed.

female foeticide

Female-foeticide In India, the girl is considered a burden for many reasons. Everyone needs a boy in every situation. For this, they kill the girl child in the womb even before the girl is born. In contrast, boys are considered to be superior and 'Chirag' of the family. There is a ban on female feticide in India, but many people illegally kill the girl in the womb.

child marriage

Legally, the age of marriage is 18 years in India and 21 years of a man. Yet customs of child marriage in India are particularly prevalent in rural areas. Child marriages were disabled in India in 1929. But still many communities demand to remove the ban on child marriage.

Deplume the child

Baby-Dropping-Ritual-Practiced-in-India The ritual throwing child from the roof is very startling. This practice is being observed in many rural areas of Maharashtra and Karnataka for the past 700 years. In this practice, a 1-2-year-old child is dropped below 50 feet in height. People standing there catch him, people think that doing so gives children blessings from God.

marriage with animals,

Most believe in the Indian horoscope and tantra mantra According to the horoscope, many people are found to have mangal defects. Mangal defect means that the person is suffering from the following planets like Mars & Saturn. There is a perception that if a man and a girl with a mangal defect get married to other boys and girls, one dies. For redressing this defect, the victim is tried for liberation by marrying a young woman with a dog, buffalo or some tree-like Peepal, jamun etc. This is the rare ritual in itself, which is not seen anywhere else.

Hair shave

Lochan-hairstyle Kesh Lokan custom is very popular in India, in which a man cuts all the hair of his head and offers it to God. He does so to keep God happy. This practice is very popular among people of Jain religion. Some customs are even more painful in India.


Self-flagellation The practice of self-critique is not only in India but also in Pakistan and Bangladesh. This practice is celebrated on the day of Muharram. Muharram Day is celebrated in the first month of the Islamic calendar. On this day, Hussein Ibn Ali died and 72 warriors who fought with him were killed. This day is celebrated in their memory.

Cannibalism, black magic and other rituals performed by Aghori Baba

black-magic The worshipers of Varanasi live in the form of worship of Lord Shiva. They are known for their potent rituals. This saint keeps the ashes of the burnt person alive in the last rites of his body. This Saint does black magic.


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