30 interesting Facts of honey bees you've never heard before.
The world of bees is very interesting and interesting. We get very nutritious food from bees, which we call honey. Honey is the only substance in which all the elements of the diet are found in good quantity apart of milk. Bees are very hard working for one drop of honey it flies very far away. Today we are going to tell you some information about honey bees, which you have hardly heard before.
Bee stings have the ability to stop HIV virus.
Bees flutter their wings 200 times in a second.
Thousands of lenses are attached to one bee eyes.
According to a research, bees have the ability to solve simple questions of mathematics.
Nearly 60,000 types of bees are found on earth, but only 4 of these species produce honey and all bees do not sting. Only female bee can make honey and sting it, no male bee could do it.
The color of honey depends on the flower, from which the fly takes juice. For one spoon honey, honey bees have to collect the juice of thousands of flowers.
A honeycomer contains 20 to 60 thousand female bees, and hundreds of male bees. Bees are of three types. The first type is of queen bee. Queen bee have a life span of four to five years.
The second type of drone bees, these bees do not sting, but their job is to help the queen bee laying eggs.
The third type of bees are the smallest of flies, they are only 40 to 45 days old. If she stings someone, she die.
Scout Bees, Soldier Bees, Worker Bees are three types of bees. According to the scientists, with the change of their work, their brain structure also changes.
According to a research, the bees' brain are faster than humans brain. It means, their brains do not have an old age.
The smelling power of honey bees is much more than that of human beings.
Bees can fly at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour.
Bee is the only insect on this earth, which food is eaten by humans.
There are four kinds of changes in the life of bees, such as egg, larva, pupa and fly.
Bees use the substance called Propolis to make their own honeycomb. This substance can cure diseases such as cough, cold, bad throat, herpes.
There are five eyes of bee, two big eyes, and between them there are three eyes on the forehead and they have six limbs and two wings.
Bee transmits information from one hive to the other.
Honey bees have two stomachs, one for eating food and the other for flowering juice.
Bees can also shake their nose, ears and eyelids like humans, meaning they can tease by making mouths.
To make one kilo honey, the whole honeycomb has to suck the juice of about 40 million flowers.
To kill a man, 1100 bee dunk is enough.
The 60 thousand bees present in a honeycomb gives one thousand five hundred eggs daily in the summer.
Honey bees produce more than 40-45 kg of honey according to their need.
According to a research, bees can also feel emotions like humans. Bees also have different personalities.
Bees can be taught to find bombs like dogs.
Bees can be taught to find bombs like dogs.
Newborn babies should not be feed with honey, because sometimes there are chances of paralysis.
The queen bee is given a special type of food, called rayel jelly.
Honey bees have a type of Navigation Technique through which They detect the way using sun and polarized light.
Bees pollinate about 15 billion dollars of crops per year in America. It means these also creates jobs.
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