50 Bizarre facts of this world you must know.
When the crocodile eats food tears fall from his eyes.
Almost all the organisms have one single heart in their body. But cutter fish have 3 hearts.
According to a research, the more the person sleeps in the cold place, the same amount of dreams he watch.There is a possibility of more scary dreams for sleeping in cold place.
Those who have low self-confidence are mostly criticized by other people.
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, its area is 0.2 square miles and its population is About 770. While None of these are their permanent citizens.
Due to the earth's gravity, it is not possible to elevate the mountains from 15,000 meters.
The color of Himalayan yak milk is pink.
Eye muscles move about 100,000 times a day.
The largest gland in the human body is lever.
The right and the left parts of our face are not exactly the same. Even Our ears level is not same.
One eye of our eyes is more than the other eye. Mostly left eyes have more powerful eyesight.
Owl is a bird which can also look backwards.
More than 800 species of roses have been found in the world till today.
Hellenic wife of Chandragupta Maurya of Magadh, started the trend of wearing of saris in womens in India.
If you will search google 'Zerg Rush', Google will eat search results and write GG in the last
Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar sang about 35000 songs in 20 Indian languages. It is highest Among the songs sung by any singer in the world.
Banaras city of India is the oldest city in the world.
Love Marriage was started by a couple in 18th Century.
The last person you imagine before sleeping becomes the reason of your happiness or worry.
Iceland is the happiest nation. It is the only country with no army.
Steve Jobs never introduced the number plate to his car, he is the man who discovered iPhone.
Black peoples have very less heart attack complaints.
55% of people begin to take Ubassi after reading the word "Ubasi".
The full moon is nine times more luminous than the half moon.
Snails can also run on the edge of the blade without injury.
Cutlery fish has three hearts. The two hearts are located on the basis of its gills and the third heart is in the center of the body.
King Kublai Khan of Mongol dynasty made a grenade full of gunpowder for the first time in 1230.
A 35-mile long line can be drawn from the lead pencil itself.
In the human skull 22 bones are connected by each others but they can only move the jaw pact of one jaw due to which we can talk, laugh and chew food.
Astronomers estimate that around 100 million comets rotate around the Sun.
70 percent of the earth is covered with water and seas.
Russian scientists estimate that there is so much salt in Lake Basukunachak that the whole world can use it's salt for more than two thousand years.
Some snakes living in the sea are the only reptiles who can live permanently in water. All other reptiles come to the ground to give their eggs.
At the age of 15 years, brain size development stops.
Our muscles transmit messages at a rate of 300 feet per second.
When a person starts crying, he starts remembering the old bad days of his life it makes him cry a bit more.
Our body is weakest between 3 and 4 am in the morning. Most people die this time in sleep.
During a research it was found that women who play more online video games are more happy in their relationship.
Cats hobbies decreases the risk of getting heart attacks discovered in a research.
while you are awake, your brain releases energy from 10 to 24 Watts, which can run an electric bulb easily.
It was found in a research that if a person's friendship lasted for 7 years, it will remain whole age.
There is no smell in our sweat. This sweat has a bacteria that produces deodorant in combination with sweat.
The intelligent people thinks their brains much faster, and for this reason their writing is bad because these people can not be patient while writing.
In the conversation through a text message late in the night, people start talking freely in emotion, and they are more likely to confess anything.
A research has found that when people are playing video games they take the fastest decision.
Parrots keep the name of their children and these names live for ages.
Our hair is made of the same substance as nails are made.
Due to the fear of a person, death happens because of fear the release of 'adrenaline' from our body is very high, which becomes poison when it is high.
If you have awakened from a dream and ask to see that dream back then you should quickly close your eyes and go straight to sleep. Although this method does not work every time!
Honey is one such food substance that is not bad even after thousands of years. It is said that the honey found in the graveyard of the Pharaoh in the pyramids of Egypt was tastier even when it was tasted by the scientists.
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